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Object Health

Adding this component gives the GameObject properites for the Combat System. Best used alongside the Damage and GameInstanceController components.


Reference ID
  • Health Base Amount: This is the default Health the GameObject starts with at the begining of a Game or Round.
  • Health Max Amount: This is the Maximum amount of Health the GameObject can have at any given time.
Health Regeneration
  • Health Regeneration Delay: The time in seconds before the GameObject starts regenerating Health.
  • Health Regeneration Rate: The amount of Health the GameObject recovers per second.
  • Health Regeneration Cap: The amount of Health that regeneration will stop.
  • Armor Base Amount: This is the default Armor the GameObject starts with at the beginning of a Game or Round.
  • Armor Max Amount: This is the Maximum amount of Armor the GameObject can have at any given time.
Armor Regeneration
  • Armor Regeneration Delay: The time in seconds before the GameObject starts regenerating Armor.
  • Armor Regeneration Rate: The amount of Armor the GameObject recovers per second.
  • Armor Regeneration Cap: The amount of Armor that regeneration will stop.
  • Shield Base Amount: This is the default Armor the GameObject starts with at the beginning of a Game or Round.
  • Shield Max Amount: This is the Maximum amount of Armor the GameObject can have at any given time.
Shield Regeneration
  • Shield Regeneration Delay: The time in seconds before the GameObject starts regenerating Shield.
  • Shield Regeneration Rate: The amount of Shield the GameObject recovers per second.
  • Shield Regeneration Cap: The amount of Shield that regeneration will stop.
Down Behavior

This will determine how to handle the GameObject when it's health reaches 0. + DownBehavior - Destroy: Deletes the GameObject. - Respawn After Time: Respawns the GameObject after the amount in seconds. - Respawn After Round Start: Only Applicable when the Game Instance Controller is present in the scene; will respawn the GameObject when the round starts. - Respawn After Round End: Only Applicable when the Game Instance Controller is present in the scene; will respawn the GameObject when the round ends. - Respawn After Game Start: Only Applicable when the Game Instance Controller is present in the scene; will respawn the GameObject when the game starts. - Respawn After Game End: Only Applicable when the Game Instance Controller is present in the scene; will respawn the GameObject when the game ends. + Respawn Time: Only Applicable if the Respawn After Time behavior is used; the amount in seconds before the GameObject Respawns. + Respawn Point: The GameObject Transform property that the Object Health GameObject will respawn at. + Connected Game Instance Only Applicable when the Game Instance Controller is present in the scene; The Game Instance Controller component that the GameObject is effected by.


These are hooks that can be triggered by the Combat System. + Down Event: This event will trigger when the GameObject's health reaches 0. + Respawn Event: This event will trigger when the GameObject respawns.