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Player Events

Event Description
(Args: Player)
Called when a remote Player joins the instance.
(Args: Player)
Called when a remote Player leaves the instance.

Avatar Events

Event Description
OnLocalPlayerAvatarLoaded(avatar, localPlayer)
(Args: Avatar, Player)
Called when a local player's Avatar Loads.
OnLocalPlayerAvatarClear(avatar, localPlayer)
(Args: Avatar, Player)
Called when a local player's Avatar Clears.
OnRemotePlayerAvatarLoaded(avatar, remotePlayer)
(Args: Avatar, Player)
Called when a remote player's Avatar Loads.
OnRemotePlayerAvatarClear(avatar, remotePlayer)
(Args: Avatar, Player)
Called when a remote player's Avatar Clears.

Instances Events

Event Description
OnInstanceConnected() Called you connect to an online instance.
OnInstanceDisconnected() Called you disconnect from an online instance.
OnInstanceConnectionLost() Called you lost connection to an online instance.
OnInstanceConnectionRecovered() Called you recover connection to the online instance.

VR Mode Switch Events

Event Description
OnPreVRModeSwitch(switchingToXR : bool) Called the frame before initializing XR loaders. The switch can still fail.
OnPostVRModeSwitch(switchingToXR: bool) Called the frame after initializing XR loaders. This means the switch was successful.
OnFailedVRModeSwitch(switchingToXR: bool) Called the frame after the switch failed. This means the switch has failed.


Most of Unity's MonoBehaviour events are forwarded to your Lua script. You can define these functions in your script to handle these events.

General Events

Event Description
Awake() Called when an enabled script instance is being loaded.
Start() Called on the frame when a script is enabled before any Update methods are called the first time.
Update() Called every frame if enabled.
FixedUpdate() Called for physics calculations.
LateUpdate() Called every frame if enabled.
OnEnable() Called when the object becomes enabled and active.
OnDisable() Called when the script becomes disabled.
OnDestroy() Called when the script is destroyed.

::: note In ChilloutVR, UnityEngine.Time.fixedDeltaTime is set based on the target refresh rate, clamped between 30hz and 144hz. This means that FixedUpdate will be called at a variable rate, but the time between calls will be consistent. :::

Special Execution Order Events

Event Description
OnPostFixedUpdate() Same as FixedUpdate(), but runs after all other FixedUpdate() Unity Events on the execution order.
OnPostUpdate() Same as OnPostUpdate(), but runs after all other OnPostUpdate() Unity Events on the execution order.
OnPostLateUpdate() Same as OnPostLateUpdate(), but runs after all other OnPostLateUpdate() Unity Events on the execution order.

Collision Events

Event Description
OnCollisionEnter(collision) Called when this collider/rigidbody starts touching another rigidbody/collider.
OnCollisionStay(collision) Called once per frame for every collider or rigidbody touching another collider or rigidbody.
OnCollisionExit(collision) Called when this collider/rigidbody stops touching another rigidbody/collider.
OnCollisionEnter2D(collision) Called when an incoming collider makes contact with this object's collider (2D physics only).
OnCollisionStay2D(collision) Called each frame where a collider on another object is touching this object's collider (2D physics only).
OnCollisionExit2D(collision) Called when a collider on another object stops touching this object's collider (2D physics only).

Trigger Events

Event Description
OnTriggerEnter(other) Called when a GameObject collides with another GameObject.
OnTriggerStay(other) Called once per physics update for every collider other that is touching the trigger.
OnTriggerExit(other) Called when the collider other stops touching the trigger.
OnTriggerEnter2D(collision) Called when another object enters a trigger collider attached to this object (2D physics only).
OnTriggerStay2D(collision) Called each frame where another object is within a trigger collider attached to this object (2D physics only).
OnTriggerExit2D(collision) Called when another object leaves a trigger collider attached to this object (2D physics only).

Mouse Events

Event Description
OnMouseDown() Called when the user presses the mouse button while over the Collider.
OnMouseDrag() Called when the user clicks on a Collider and is still holding down the mouse.
OnMouseEnter() Called when the mouse enters the Collider.
OnMouseExit() Called when the mouse is no longer over the Collider.
OnMouseOver() Called every frame while the mouse is over the Collider.
OnMouseUp() Called when the user releases the mouse button.
OnMouseUpAsButton() Called when the mouse is released over the same Collider as it was pressed.

Application Events

Event Description
OnApplicationQuit() Called before the application quits.
OnApplicationPause(pause) Called when the application pauses or resumes on losing or regaining focus.
OnApplicationFocus(focus) Called when the player gets or loses focus.

Animator Events

Event Description
OnAnimatorMove() Called on an Animator move.
OnAnimatorIK(layerIndex) Called for setting up animation IK (inverse kinematics).

Particle Events

Event Description
OnParticleCollision(other) Called when a particle hits a Collider.
OnParticleSystemStopped() Called when all particles in the system have died, and no new particles will be born.
OnParticleTrigger() Called when any particles in a Particle System meet the conditions in the trigger module.
OnParticleUpdateJobScheduled() Called when a Particle System's built-in update job has been scheduled.

Transform Events

Event Description
OnTransformParentChanged() Called when a direct or indirect parent of the transform changes.
OnTransformChildrenChanged() Called when the list of children of the transform changes.
OnBeforeTransformParentChanged() Called before the transform's parent changes.

Rendering Events

Event Description
OnBecameVisible() Called when the renderer becomes visible by any camera.
OnBecameInvisible() Called when the renderer is no longer visible by any camera.
OnWillRenderObject() Called for each camera if the object is visible and not a UI element.
OnRenderObject() Called after the camera has rendered the scene.
OnPreCull() Called before a camera culls the scene.
OnPreRender() Called before a camera renders the scene.
OnPostRender() Called after a camera has finished rendering the scene.
OnRenderImage(source, destination) Called after a camera has finished rendering, allows modifying the Camera's final image.

Canvas Events

Event Description
OnCanvasGroupChanged() Called when the CanvasGroup changes.
OnRectTransformRemoved() Called when the RectTransform is removed.
OnRectTransformDimensionsChange() Called when the dimensions of the RectTransform change.

Joint Events

Event Description
OnJointBreak(breakForce) Called when a joint attached to the same game object breaks.
OnJointBreak2D(joint) Called when a Joint2D attached to the same game object breaks.