Player Events
Event |
Description |
OnPlayerJoined(remotePlayer) (Args: Player) |
Called when a remote Player joins the instance. |
OnPlayerLeft(remotePlayer) (Args: Player) |
Called when a remote Player leaves the instance. |
Avatar Events
Event |
Description |
OnLocalPlayerAvatarLoaded(avatar, localPlayer) (Args: Avatar, Player) |
Called when a local player's Avatar Loads. |
OnLocalPlayerAvatarClear(avatar, localPlayer) (Args: Avatar, Player) |
Called when a local player's Avatar Clears. |
OnRemotePlayerAvatarLoaded(avatar, remotePlayer) (Args: Avatar, Player) |
Called when a remote player's Avatar Loads. |
OnRemotePlayerAvatarClear(avatar, remotePlayer) (Args: Avatar, Player) |
Called when a remote player's Avatar Clears. |
Instances Events
Event |
Description |
OnInstanceConnected() |
Called you connect to an online instance. |
OnInstanceDisconnected() |
Called you disconnect from an online instance. |
OnInstanceConnectionLost() |
Called you lost connection to an online instance. |
OnInstanceConnectionRecovered() |
Called you recover connection to the online instance. |
VR Mode Switch Events
Event |
Description |
OnPreVRModeSwitch(switchingToXR : bool) |
Called the frame before initializing XR loaders. The switch can still fail. |
OnPostVRModeSwitch(switchingToXR: bool) |
Called the frame after initializing XR loaders. This means the switch was successful. |
OnFailedVRModeSwitch(switchingToXR: bool) |
Called the frame after the switch failed. This means the switch has failed. |
Most of Unity's MonoBehaviour events are forwarded to your Lua script. You can define these functions in your script to
handle these events.
General Events
Event |
Description |
Awake() |
Called when an enabled script instance is being loaded. |
Start() |
Called on the frame when a script is enabled before any Update methods are called the first time. |
Update() |
Called every frame if enabled. |
FixedUpdate() |
Called for physics calculations. |
LateUpdate() |
Called every frame if enabled. |
OnEnable() |
Called when the object becomes enabled and active. |
OnDisable() |
Called when the script becomes disabled. |
OnDestroy() |
Called when the script is destroyed. |
::: note
In ChilloutVR, UnityEngine.Time.fixedDeltaTime
is set based on the target refresh rate, clamped between 30hz and 144hz. This means that FixedUpdate will be called at a variable rate, but the time between calls will be consistent.
Special Execution Order Events
Event |
Description |
OnPostFixedUpdate() |
Same as FixedUpdate(), but runs after all other FixedUpdate() Unity Events on the execution order. |
OnPostUpdate() |
Same as OnPostUpdate(), but runs after all other OnPostUpdate() Unity Events on the execution order. |
OnPostLateUpdate() |
Same as OnPostLateUpdate(), but runs after all other OnPostLateUpdate() Unity Events on the execution order. |
Collision Events
Event |
Description |
OnCollisionEnter(collision) |
Called when this collider/rigidbody starts touching another rigidbody/collider. |
OnCollisionStay(collision) |
Called once per frame for every collider or rigidbody touching another collider or rigidbody. |
OnCollisionExit(collision) |
Called when this collider/rigidbody stops touching another rigidbody/collider. |
OnCollisionEnter2D(collision) |
Called when an incoming collider makes contact with this object's collider (2D physics only). |
OnCollisionStay2D(collision) |
Called each frame where a collider on another object is touching this object's collider (2D physics only). |
OnCollisionExit2D(collision) |
Called when a collider on another object stops touching this object's collider (2D physics only). |
Trigger Events
Event |
Description |
OnTriggerEnter(other) |
Called when a GameObject collides with another GameObject. |
OnTriggerStay(other) |
Called once per physics update for every collider other that is touching the trigger. |
OnTriggerExit(other) |
Called when the collider other stops touching the trigger. |
OnTriggerEnter2D(collision) |
Called when another object enters a trigger collider attached to this object (2D physics only). |
OnTriggerStay2D(collision) |
Called each frame where another object is within a trigger collider attached to this object (2D physics only). |
OnTriggerExit2D(collision) |
Called when another object leaves a trigger collider attached to this object (2D physics only). |
Mouse Events
Event |
Description |
OnMouseDown() |
Called when the user presses the mouse button while over the Collider. |
OnMouseDrag() |
Called when the user clicks on a Collider and is still holding down the mouse. |
OnMouseEnter() |
Called when the mouse enters the Collider. |
OnMouseExit() |
Called when the mouse is no longer over the Collider. |
OnMouseOver() |
Called every frame while the mouse is over the Collider. |
OnMouseUp() |
Called when the user releases the mouse button. |
OnMouseUpAsButton() |
Called when the mouse is released over the same Collider as it was pressed. |
Application Events
Event |
Description |
OnApplicationQuit() |
Called before the application quits. |
OnApplicationPause(pause) |
Called when the application pauses or resumes on losing or regaining focus. |
OnApplicationFocus(focus) |
Called when the player gets or loses focus. |
Animator Events
Event |
Description |
OnAnimatorMove() |
Called on an Animator move. |
OnAnimatorIK(layerIndex) |
Called for setting up animation IK (inverse kinematics). |
Particle Events
Event |
Description |
OnParticleCollision(other) |
Called when a particle hits a Collider. |
OnParticleSystemStopped() |
Called when all particles in the system have died, and no new particles will be born. |
OnParticleTrigger() |
Called when any particles in a Particle System meet the conditions in the trigger module. |
OnParticleUpdateJobScheduled() |
Called when a Particle System's built-in update job has been scheduled. |
Event |
Description |
OnTransformParentChanged() |
Called when a direct or indirect parent of the transform changes. |
OnTransformChildrenChanged() |
Called when the list of children of the transform changes. |
OnBeforeTransformParentChanged() |
Called before the transform's parent changes. |
Rendering Events
Event |
Description |
OnBecameVisible() |
Called when the renderer becomes visible by any camera. |
OnBecameInvisible() |
Called when the renderer is no longer visible by any camera. |
OnWillRenderObject() |
Called for each camera if the object is visible and not a UI element. |
OnRenderObject() |
Called after the camera has rendered the scene. |
OnPreCull() |
Called before a camera culls the scene. |
OnPreRender() |
Called before a camera renders the scene. |
OnPostRender() |
Called after a camera has finished rendering the scene. |
OnRenderImage(source, destination) |
Called after a camera has finished rendering, allows modifying the Camera's final image. |
Canvas Events
Event |
Description |
OnCanvasGroupChanged() |
Called when the CanvasGroup changes. |
OnRectTransformRemoved() |
Called when the RectTransform is removed. |
OnRectTransformDimensionsChange() |
Called when the dimensions of the RectTransform change. |
Joint Events
Event |
Description |
OnJointBreak(breakForce) |
Called when a joint attached to the same game object breaks. |
OnJointBreak2D(joint) |
Called when a Joint2D attached to the same game object breaks. |