Accessible via the PlayerAPI
Global. This API provides access to all players in the world, including the
local player.
Static Functions¶
Name | Description |
FindPlayerByUsername(string username) (Returns Player) |
Returns player entity by username. |
FindPlayerByUserId(string userId) (Returns Player) |
Returns player entity by user id. |
IsFriendsWith(string userId) (Returns bool ) |
Returns whether we're friends with the userId provided or not. |
Static Properties¶
Name | Description |
LocalPlayer : Player (Returns Player) |
Access to Teleport, AddForce, etc. |
AllPlayers : List<Player> (Returns Player) |
List of all Player entities (includes the local player). |
RemotePlayers : List<Player> (Returns a list of Player) |
List of all Remote Player entities (excludes the local player). |
PlayerCount : int |
Total connected player count. This includes the local player. |
Entity that represents a Player, these Functions and Properties accessible from both local and remote player.
Name | Description |
IsLocal : bool |
Indicates if this is the local player. |
IsRemote : bool |
Indicates if this is a remote player. |
Username : string |
Username of the player. |
UserID : string |
Unique identifier for the player. |
Avatar : Avatar (Returns Avatar) |
Get the player's Avatar Instance. |
Core Parameters¶
These parameters are set by ChilloutVR to drive the player's avatar animations. They may not be representative of the actual player's input in some situations.
Name | Description |
Core.MovementX |
Horizontal movement input value. Ranges from -1.0 to 1.0. |
Core.MovementY |
Vertical movement input value. Ranges from -1.0 to 1.0. |
Core.GestureLeft * |
Current gesture state of the left hand. Ranges from -1.0 to 6.0 with 0.0 to 1.0 as fist weight. |
Core.GestureLeftIdx * |
Current gesture without the analog fist weight. |
Core.GestureRight * |
Current gesture state of the right hand. Ranges from -1.0 to 6.0 with 0.0 to 1.0 as fist weight. |
Core.GestureRightIdx * |
Current gesture without the analog fist weight. |
Core.Crouching |
Indicates if the player is crouching. |
Core.Prone |
Indicates if the player is prone. |
Core.Flying |
Indicates if the player is flying. |
Core.Sitting |
Indicates if the player is sitting. |
Core.Swimming |
Indicates if the player is swimming. |
Core.Grounded |
Indicates if the player is on the ground. |
Core.Toggle |
Currently selected toggle state. Ranges from 0 to 8. |
Core.Emote |
Target emote for the player to play. Ranges from 0 to 8 and returns to 0 within 0.1s of being set. |
Core.CancelEmote |
Trigger to cancel the current emote. True when in a state where an emote should not play. |
Core.VisemeIdx ** |
Index value representing the current viseme. Ranges from 0 to 14. |
Core.VisemeLoudness |
Loudness level for the current viseme. Ranges from 0.0 to 1.0. |
Core.DistanceTo |
Distance to the local player in meters. Always 0.0 for the local player. Defaults to -1.0 until first update. |
Gesture Values *¶
The gesture values are mapped as follows:
: Open0
: Idle1
: Fist2
: Thumbs Up3
: Handgun4
: Finger Point5
: Peace6
: RockNRoll
Viseme Index Values **¶
The viseme index values are mapped as follows:
: Sil1
: PP2
: FF3
: TH4
: DD5
: KK6
: CH7
: SS8
: NN9
: RR10
: AA11
: E12
: I13
: O14
: U
Position and Orientation¶
Name | Description |
GetPosition() : Vector3 |
Current position of the player in world space. |
GetRotation() : Quaternion |
Current rotation of the player in world space. |
GetForward(): Vector3 |
The forward direction vector of the player. |
View and Voice Points¶
Name | Description |
GetViewPointPosition() : Vector3 |
Position of the viewpoint in the world. |
GetViewPointRotation() : Quaternion |
Rotation of the viewpoint in the world. |
GetVoicePointPosition() : Vector3 |
Position of the voice point in the world. |
GetVoicePointRotation() : Quaternion |
Rotation of the voice point in the world. |
Name | Description |
GetGravity() : Vector3 |
Current gravity vector affecting the player. |
GetGravityDirection() : Vector3 |
Direction of the gravity affecting the player. |
Profile Picture¶
Requesting the picture is a bit more complicated as it needs to be acquired in the first place. So it's not a function that will give the results right away. Instead, it uses a callback lua function, which is basically a normal lua function that gets called whenever the request is finished.
For a complete example, check: Player Profile and Avatar Picture Example
Name | Description |
RequestProfileImage(callback OnProfileImage, bool castToTexture) : void - #arg1 lua function for the callback- #arg2 [Optional] Whether to cast the Texture2D to Texture or not. |
Sends a request to fetch the Player's profile picture as a Texture2D or as a Texture. |
Name | Description |
OnProfileImage(Texture2D/Texture texture, string userID) : void - #arg1 The Texture/Texture2D reference for the player image- #arg2 [Optional] The Player's UserID the image belongs to |
Gets called when RequestProfileImage finished and is sending the results |
Remote Player¶
Functions and properties specific to remote players.
Name | Description |
IsNameplateActive : bool |
Indicates whether the nameplate is active or not. |
Name | Description |
GetNameplatePosition() : Vector3 |
Get the Position of the remote player's nameplate in the world. |
Local Player¶
Functions and properties specific to the local player.
Name | Description |
IsAuthenticated : bool |
Indicates whether the Player is authenticated or not. |
IsUsingVR : bool |
Indicates whether the Player is using VR or not. |
ImmersionDepth : bool |
How deeply the Player is immersed in water. Ranges from 0 (not immersed) to 1 (fully immersed). |
IsImmobilized : bool |
Indicates whether the Player is immobilized or not. |
IsFlying : bool |
Indicates whether the Player is flying or not or not. |
IsFlyingWithNoClip : bool |
Indicates whether the Player is flying with no clip mode enabled or not. |
IsFlightAllowed : bool |
Indicates whether flying is allowed in the current world or not. |
Name | Description |
GetHeadingOffset() : float |
Get the The angle between the player's playspace forward and the player's current forward. |
Name | Description |
GetPlaySpaceScale() : float |
The ratio of the player's avatar height to the player's irl height. |
GetPlaySpaceOffset() : Vector3 |
The local offset from the player's PlaySpace center to their current position. |
Name | Description |
Respawn() : void |
Respawns the player. |
SetFlight(bool flightEnable, bool noClipEnabled) : void |
Sets flight and no clip modes for the player. |
SetImmobilized(bool isImmobilized) : void |
Sets the immobilization status of the player. |
AddForce(Vector3 force, ForceMode forceMode) : void |
Applies a force to the player. |
LaunchCharacter(Vector3 launchVelocity, bool overrideVerticalVelocity, bool overrideLateralVelocity) : void |
Launches the player with a specific velocity. |
ResetAllForces() : void |
Resets all forces currently applied to the player. |
PauseGroundConstraint() : void |
Temporarily disables ground constraints, allowing the player to freely move off the ground. |
GetControllerVelocity() : Vector3 : void |
Gets the current Player Controller velocity. |
SetControllerVelocity(Vector3) : void |
Sets the current Player Controller velocity. |
Note: These functions can only be called by worlds, avatars when WornByMe
is true, and props when SpawnedByMe
is true.
Position and Orientation¶
Name | Description |
SetPosition(Vector3 targetPos) |
Set current position of the player in world space without interpolation, nor grounding the player, nor preserving velocity. For more versatility use the Teleportation methods |
SetRotation(Quaternion targetRot) |
Set current rotation of the player in world space without interpolation, nor grounding the player, nor preserving velocity. For more versatility use the Teleportation methods |
Note: These functions can only be called by worlds, avatars when WornByMe
is true, and props when SpawnedByMe
is true.
Name | Description |
TeleportPlayerTo(Vector3 targetPos, bool interpolate, bool updateGround, bool preserveVelocity, Quaternion? rotationDifference) |
Teleports the player to a specified position with optional rotation difference. |
TeleportPlayerTo(Vector3 targetPos, Vector3 targetEulerRot, bool interpolate, bool updateGround, bool preserveVelocity) |
Teleports the player to a specified position and rotation. |
TeleportPlayerTo(Vector3 targetPos, Quaternion targetRot, bool interpolate, bool updateGround, bool preserveVelocity) |
Teleports the player to a specified position and rotation. |
TeleportPlayerTo(Transform targetTransform, bool interpolate, bool updateGround, bool preserveVelocity) |
Teleports the player to a specified transform, orienting the player with it. |
Note: These functions can only be called by worlds, avatars when WornByMe
is true, and props when SpawnedByMe
is true.
Avatar Management¶
Name | Description |
SwitchAvatar(string avatarId) |
Switches the player's avatar. Limited to once every 3 seconds (global timeout). |
Note: These functions can only be called by worlds, avatars when WornByMe
is true, and props when SpawnedByMe
is true.
IK Control¶
Name | Description |
IKLeftWristToPalmAxis : Vector3 |
Local axis of the left hand bone that points from the wrist towards the palm. |
IKLeftPalmToThumbAxis : Vector3 |
Local axis of the left hand bone that points from the palm towards the thumb. |
IKRightWristToPalmAxis : Vector3 |
Local axis of the right hand bone that points from the wrist towards the palm. |
IKRightPalmToThumbAxis : Vector3 |
Local axis of the right hand bone that points from the palm towards the thumb. |
Name | Description |
SetBodyControlHeadWeight(weightValue) : void |
[ 0.0 ; 1.0 ] Sets the Player's BodySystem Head weight |
SetBodyControlPelvisWeight(weightValue) : void |
[ 0.0 ; 1.0 ] Sets the Player's BodySystem Pelvis weight |
SetBodyControlLeftArmWeight(weightValue) : void |
[ 0.0 ; 1.0 ] Sets the Player's BodySystem LeftArm weight |
SetBodyControlRightArmWeight(weightValue) : void |
[ 0.0 ; 1.0 ] Sets the Player's BodySystem RightArm weight |
SetBodyControlLeftLegWeight(weightValue) : void |
[ 0.0 ; 1.0 ] Sets the Player's BodySystem LeftLeg weight |
SetBodyControlRightLegWeight(weightValue) : void |
[ 0.0 ; 1.0 ] Sets the Player's BodySystem RightLeg weight |
SetBodyControlLocomotionWeight(weightValue) : void |
[ 0.0 ; 1.0 ] Sets the Player's BodySystem Locomotion weight |
Note: These functions can only be called by worlds, avatars when WornByMe
is true, and props when SpawnedByMe
is true.