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Accessible via the PlayerAPI Global. This API provides access to all players in the world, including the local player.

Static Functions

Name Description
FindPlayerByUsername(string username)
(Returns Player)
Returns player entity by username.
FindPlayerByUserId(string userId)
(Returns Player)
Returns player entity by user id.
IsFriendsWith(string userId)
(Returns bool)
Returns whether we're friends with the userId provided or not.

Static Properties

Name Description
LocalPlayer : Player
(Returns Player)
Access to Teleport, AddForce, etc.
AllPlayers : List<Player>
(Returns Player)
List of all Player entities (includes the local player).
RemotePlayers : List<Player>
(Returns a list of Player)
List of all Remote Player entities (excludes the local player).
PlayerCount : int Total connected player count. This includes the local player.


Entity that represents a Player, these Functions and Properties accessible from both local and remote player.


Name Description
IsLocal : bool Indicates if this is the local player.
IsRemote : bool Indicates if this is a remote player.
Username : string Username of the player.
UserID : string Unique identifier for the player.
Avatar : Avatar
(Returns Avatar)
Get the player's Avatar Instance.

Core Parameters

These parameters are set by ChilloutVR to drive the player's avatar animations. They may not be representative of the actual player's input in some situations.

Name Description
Core.MovementX Horizontal movement input value.
Ranges from -1.0 to 1.0.
Core.MovementY Vertical movement input value.
Ranges from -1.0 to 1.0.
Core.GestureLeft* Current gesture state of the left hand.
Ranges from -1.0 to 6.0 with 0.0 to 1.0 as fist weight.
Core.GestureLeftIdx* Current gesture without the analog fist weight.
Core.GestureRight* Current gesture state of the right hand.
Ranges from -1.0 to 6.0 with 0.0 to 1.0 as fist weight.
Core.GestureRightIdx* Current gesture without the analog fist weight.
Core.Crouching Indicates if the player is crouching.
Core.Prone Indicates if the player is prone.
Core.Flying Indicates if the player is flying.
Core.Sitting Indicates if the player is sitting.
Core.Swimming Indicates if the player is swimming.
Core.Grounded Indicates if the player is on the ground.
Core.Toggle Currently selected toggle state.
Ranges from 0 to 8.
Core.Emote Target emote for the player to play.
Ranges from 0 to 8 and returns to 0 within 0.1s of being set.
Core.CancelEmote Trigger to cancel the current emote.
True when in a state where an emote should not play.
Core.VisemeIdx** Index value representing the current viseme.
Ranges from 0 to 14.
Core.VisemeLoudness Loudness level for the current viseme.
Ranges from 0.0 to 1.0.
Core.DistanceTo Distance to the local player in meters.
Always 0.0 for the local player. Defaults to -1.0 until first update.

Gesture Values *

The gesture values are mapped as follows:

  • -1: Open
  • 0: Idle
  • 1: Fist
  • 2: Thumbs Up
  • 3: Handgun
  • 4: Finger Point
  • 5: Peace
  • 6: RockNRoll

Viseme Index Values **

The viseme index values are mapped as follows:

  • 0: Sil
  • 1: PP
  • 2: FF
  • 3: TH
  • 4: DD
  • 5: KK
  • 6: CH
  • 7: SS
  • 8: NN
  • 9: RR
  • 10: AA
  • 11: E
  • 12: I
  • 13: O
  • 14: U

Position and Orientation

Name Description
GetPosition() : Vector3 Current position of the player in world space.
GetRotation() : Quaternion Current rotation of the player in world space.
GetForward(): Vector3 The forward direction vector of the player.

View and Voice Points

Name Description
GetViewPointPosition() : Vector3 Position of the viewpoint in the world.
GetViewPointRotation() : Quaternion Rotation of the viewpoint in the world.
GetVoicePointPosition() : Vector3 Position of the voice point in the world.
GetVoicePointRotation() : Quaternion Rotation of the voice point in the world.


Name Description
GetGravity() : Vector3 Current gravity vector affecting the player.
GetGravityDirection() : Vector3 Direction of the gravity affecting the player.

Profile Picture

Requesting the picture is a bit more complicated as it needs to be acquired in the first place. So it's not a function that will give the results right away. Instead, it uses a callback lua function, which is basically a normal lua function that gets called whenever the request is finished.

For a complete example, check: Player Profile and Avatar Picture Example


Name Description
RequestProfileImage(callback OnProfileImage, bool castToTexture) : void
  - #arg1 lua function for the callback
  - #arg2 [Optional] Whether to cast the Texture2D to Texture or not.
Sends a request to fetch the Player's profile picture as a Texture2D or as a Texture.


Name Description
OnProfileImage(Texture2D/Texture texture, string userID) : void
  - #arg1 The Texture/Texture2D reference for the player image
  - #arg2 [Optional] The Player's UserID the image belongs to
Gets called when RequestProfileImage finished and is sending the results

Remote Player

Functions and properties specific to remote players.


Name Description
IsNameplateActive : bool Indicates whether the nameplate is active or not.


Name Description
GetNameplatePosition() : Vector3 Get the Position of the remote player's nameplate in the world.

Local Player

Functions and properties specific to the local player.


Name Description
IsAuthenticated : bool Indicates whether the Player is authenticated or not.
IsUsingVR : bool Indicates whether the Player is using VR or not.
ImmersionDepth : bool How deeply the Player is immersed in water.
Ranges from 0 (not immersed) to 1 (fully immersed).
IsImmobilized : bool Indicates whether the Player is immobilized or not.
IsFlying : bool Indicates whether the Player is flying or not or not.
IsFlyingWithNoClip : bool Indicates whether the Player is flying with no clip mode enabled or not.
IsFlightAllowed : bool Indicates whether flying is allowed in the current world or not.


Name Description
GetHeadingOffset() : float Get the The angle between the player's playspace forward and the player's current forward.


Name Description
GetPlaySpaceScale() : float The ratio of the player's avatar height to the player's irl height.
GetPlaySpaceOffset() : Vector3 The local offset from the player's PlaySpace center to their current position.


Name Description
Respawn() : void Respawns the player.
SetFlight(bool flightEnable, bool noClipEnabled) : void Sets flight and no clip modes for the player.
SetImmobilized(bool isImmobilized) : void Sets the immobilization status of the player.
AddForce(Vector3 force, ForceMode forceMode) : void Applies a force to the player.
LaunchCharacter(Vector3 launchVelocity, bool overrideVerticalVelocity, bool overrideLateralVelocity) : void Launches the player with a specific velocity.
ResetAllForces() : void Resets all forces currently applied to the player.
PauseGroundConstraint() : void Temporarily disables ground constraints, allowing the player to freely move off the ground.
GetControllerVelocity() : Vector3 : void Gets the current Player Controller velocity.
SetControllerVelocity(Vector3) : void Sets the current Player Controller velocity.

Note: These functions can only be called by worlds, avatars when WornByMe is true, and props when SpawnedByMe is true.

Position and Orientation

Name Description
SetPosition(Vector3 targetPos) Set current position of the player in world space without interpolation, nor grounding the player, nor preserving velocity. For more versatility use the Teleportation methods
SetRotation(Quaternion targetRot) Set current rotation of the player in world space without interpolation, nor grounding the player, nor preserving velocity. For more versatility use the Teleportation methods

Note: These functions can only be called by worlds, avatars when WornByMe is true, and props when SpawnedByMe is true.


Name Description
TeleportPlayerTo(Vector3 targetPos, bool interpolate, bool updateGround, bool preserveVelocity, Quaternion? rotationDifference) Teleports the player to a specified position with optional rotation difference.
TeleportPlayerTo(Vector3 targetPos, Vector3 targetEulerRot, bool interpolate, bool updateGround, bool preserveVelocity) Teleports the player to a specified position and rotation.
TeleportPlayerTo(Vector3 targetPos, Quaternion targetRot, bool interpolate, bool updateGround, bool preserveVelocity) Teleports the player to a specified position and rotation.
TeleportPlayerTo(Transform targetTransform, bool interpolate, bool updateGround, bool preserveVelocity) Teleports the player to a specified transform, orienting the player with it.

Note: These functions can only be called by worlds, avatars when WornByMe is true, and props when SpawnedByMe is true.

Avatar Management

Name Description
SwitchAvatar(string avatarId) Switches the player's avatar.
Limited to once every 3 seconds (global timeout).

Note: These functions can only be called by worlds, avatars when WornByMe is true, and props when SpawnedByMe is true.

IK Control


Name Description
IKLeftWristToPalmAxis : Vector3 Local axis of the left hand bone that points from the wrist towards the palm.
IKLeftPalmToThumbAxis : Vector3 Local axis of the left hand bone that points from the palm towards the thumb.
IKRightWristToPalmAxis : Vector3 Local axis of the right hand bone that points from the wrist towards the palm.
IKRightPalmToThumbAxis : Vector3 Local axis of the right hand bone that points from the palm towards the thumb.


Name Description
SetBodyControlHeadWeight(weightValue) : void [ 0.0 ; 1.0 ] Sets the Player's BodySystem Head weight
SetBodyControlPelvisWeight(weightValue) : void [ 0.0 ; 1.0 ] Sets the Player's BodySystem Pelvis weight
SetBodyControlLeftArmWeight(weightValue) : void [ 0.0 ; 1.0 ] Sets the Player's BodySystem LeftArm weight
SetBodyControlRightArmWeight(weightValue) : void [ 0.0 ; 1.0 ] Sets the Player's BodySystem RightArm weight
SetBodyControlLeftLegWeight(weightValue) : void [ 0.0 ; 1.0 ] Sets the Player's BodySystem LeftLeg weight
SetBodyControlRightLegWeight(weightValue) : void [ 0.0 ; 1.0 ] Sets the Player's BodySystem RightLeg weight
SetBodyControlLocomotionWeight(weightValue) : void [ 0.0 ; 1.0 ] Sets the Player's BodySystem Locomotion weight

Note: These functions can only be called by worlds, avatars when WornByMe is true, and props when SpawnedByMe is true.