UnityEngine = require "UnityEngine"
function Start()
-- Define the source as the current GameObject
-- You can also use 'transform' as the source since both GameObjects and Components share the same methods
local source = gameObject;
-- local source = transform;
-- Example 1: GetComponent
-- Attempts to retrieve the Transform component attached to the current GameObject
local transformComponent = source.GetComponent("UnityEngine.Transform")
print("component.GetComponent(\"UnityEngine.Transform\"): ", transformComponent, ", IsNull: ", transformComponent == nil)
-- Example 2: GetComponentInChildren
-- Attempts to retrieve the Transform component from the current GameObject or any of its children
transformComponent = source.GetComponentInChildren("UnityEngine.Transform")
print("component.GetComponentInChildren(\"UnityEngine.Transform\"): ", transformComponent, ", IsNull: ", transformComponent == nil)
-- Example 3: GetComponentInChildren (include inactive children)
-- Attempts to retrieve the Transform component from the current GameObject or any of its children, including inactive ones
transformComponent = source.GetComponentInChildren("UnityEngine.Transform", true)
print("component.GetComponentInChildren(\"UnityEngine.Transform\", true): ", transformComponent, ", IsNull: ", transformComponent == nil)
-- Example 4: GetComponentInParent
-- Attempts to retrieve the Transform component from the current GameObject or any of its parents
transformComponent = source.GetComponentInParent("UnityEngine.Transform")
print("component.GetComponentInParent(\"UnityEngine.Transform\"): ", transformComponent, ", IsNull: ", transformComponent == nil)
-- Example 5: GetComponents
-- Retrieves all Transform components attached to the current GameObject
local transformComponents = source.GetComponents("UnityEngine.Transform")
print("source.GetComponents(\"UnityEngine.Transform\"): ", transformComponents, ", IsNull: ", transformComponents == nil, ", Count: ", #transformComponents)
for index, idxTransform in ipairs(transformComponents) do
print(string.format(" - Entry %d: Transform: %s, IsNull: %s", index, tostring(idxTransform), tostring(idxTransform == nil)))
-- Example 6: GetComponentsInChildren
-- Retrieves all Transform components from the current GameObject and its children
transformComponents = source.GetComponentsInChildren("UnityEngine.Transform")
print("source.GetComponentsInChildren(\"UnityEngine.Transform\"): ", transformComponents, ", IsNull: ", transformComponents == nil, ", Count: ", #transformComponents)
for index, idxTransform in ipairs(transformComponents) do
print(string.format(" - Entry %d: Transform: %s, IsNull: %s", index, tostring(idxTransform), tostring(idxTransform == nil)))
-- Example 7: GetComponentsInParent
-- Retrieves all Transform components from the current GameObject and its parents
transformComponents = source.GetComponentsInParent("UnityEngine.Transform")
print("source.GetComponentsInParent(\"UnityEngine.Transform\"): ", transformComponents, ", IsNull: ", transformComponents == nil, ", Count: ", #transformComponents)
for index, idxTransform in ipairs(transformComponents) do
print(string.format(" - Entry %d: Transform: %s, IsNull: %s", index, tostring(idxTransform), tostring(idxTransform == nil)))
-- Example 8: TryGetComponent
-- Safely attempts to retrieve the Transform component and checks if it was successful
local hasTransform
hasTransform, transformComponent = source.TryGetComponent("UnityEngine.Transform")
print("source.TryGetComponent(\"UnityEngine.Transform\"): ", transformComponent, ", IsNull: ", transformComponent == nil, ", hasComponent: ", hasTransform)