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CVR Advanced Avatar Trigger

With this component you can modify your advanced avatar settings parameter values when a CVR Pointer enters the indicated trigger area. Size and placement can be adjusted with the settings bellow.
The trigger area will move together with its parented armature bone or game object.


Area Size

X/Y/Z Size of your area.

Area Offset

X/Y/Z Offset from the game object center location.

Setting Name

Parameter name of the setting to be modified.

Setting Value

The value the setting will be set to when triggered.

Advanced Mode

Allowed Pointers

Adding pointers to this list, will ignore all other pointers and only work with those contained within the list.

Network Interactable

Allows network players to interact with your trigger.

Allowed Types

Allow only pointers having this type set.

General Properties

Setting Name

Parameter name of the setting to be modified.

Enabled Particle Interaction

Enabling this option will allow particle systems to activate this trigger. You need a CVR Pointer on the same game object as the trigger for it to work. Particle can only trigger On Enter Trigger.

On Enter Trigger

Actions when CVR Pointer enters the trigger area.

Setting Value

Set value that will override, added to or subtracted from the current parameter value.


Delay before the execution of the trigger

Hold Time

The time the pointer needs to stay in the trigger area, until the trigger gets executed.

Update Method
  • Override (Overrides the parameters value with the setting value)
  • Add (Adds the setting value to the parameters value)
  • Subtract (Subtracts the settings value from the parameters value)

On Exit Trigger

Actions when CVR Pointer exits the trigger area.

Setting Value

Set value that will override, added to or subtracted from the current parameter value.


Delay before the execution of the trigger

Update Method
  • Override (Overrides the parameters value with the setting value)
  • Add (Adds the setting value to the parameters value)
  • Subtract (Subtracts the settings value from the parameters value)

On Stay Trigger

Actions when CVR Pointer stays in the trigger area.

Update Method
  • Set From Position ()
  • Add (Will add the value from Change per sec)
  • Subtract (Will subtract the value from Change per sec)
Min Value

Minimum value which the update method will start from.

Min Value

Maximum value which the update method will or can go to.

Change per sec

Either add or subtract this value per second.

Sample Direction
  • X Positive
  • Y Positive
  • Z Positive
  • X Negative
  • Y Negative
  • Z Negative